Menü Kapat

Detection of alcohol use: Guidance of direct biomarker phosphatidylethanol

Original Article

Detection of alcohol use: Guidance of direct biomarker phosphatidylethanol

Dilek Salkim Islek, Fatma Beyza Kula, Eda Kiris, Omer KaratasNazli Holumen, Emel Hulya Yukseloglu

NOFOR. 2023;2(1):18-20


Receiving Date: 17 January 2023

Accept Date: 03 March 2023

Available Online: 18 March 2023

Conflict of interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest in the study.
Financial Disclosure
The authors declare that they have received no financial support for the study.
Ethical approval
Ethics committee approval is not required.

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Islek DS, Kula FB, Kiris E, et al. Detection of alcohol use: guidance of direct biomarker phosphatidylethanol. NOFOR. 2023;2(1):18-20.

DOI: 10.5455/NOFOR.2023.03.03

Corresponding Author: Dilek Salkim Islek, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Istanbul, Türkiye
