Original Article
Forensic identification of severely decomposed bodies
Receiving Date: May 25, 2024
Accept Date: August 03, 2024
Available Online: August 15, 2024
Aim: The decay of a body is defined as decomposition in the field of forensic medicine. In this study, it is aimed to examine the sociodemographic data in severely decomposed bodies and identify the biological materials that can be collected for identification.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the files of cases autopsied at the Forensic Medicine Institute in Şanlıurfa between 2018-2022 were retrospectively analyzed. Severely decomposed cases were identified.
Results: Of the cases, 18 were male and 3 were female. 11 cases occurred in summer, and 4 in spring. 10 of the cases were suspicious deaths found at home or in the field while 8 were bodies recovered from water. Blood samples could only be taken from 9 cases for identification procedures. Muscle tissue samples were taken from 12 cases, bone tissue from 18 cases, and 2 cases each had dental and hairy skin samples collected. The psoas muscle was selected as the muscle tissue, while sternum samples were collected from 15 cases and femur samples from 3 cases.
Conclusion: Identification in cases of severe decomposition is as important as determining the cause of death. In situations where medical identification can’t be performed, forensic identification becomes extremely significant. The biological samples to be taken in forensic identification, the number and quality of these samples, and the preservation of these samples for Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) analysis are important considerations.
Keywords: Identification, deoxyribonucleic acid, autopsy, decomposition
The breakdown of complex and advanced organic compounds into simpler elements occurs through the action of proteolytic and other enzymes produced by bacteria. This process results in the tissues breaking down into gases, liquids, and salts, thus disappearing. Biological entities must decay after death to re-enter the ecological system [1,2]. After a person’s death, early and late signs of death manifest. Decomposition is an inevitable consequence following cellular autolysis [1-3].
In our study, the files of cases autopsied at the Forensic Medicine Institute in Şanlıurfa from 2018 to 2022 were analyzed retrospectively. Severely decomposed cases were identified. Relevant documents such as autopsy reports, autopsy photographs, toxicological examination reports, crime scene investigation reports, witness statements, expert reports, and biological samples taken for Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) analysis for forensic identification were reviewed.
Thirteen of the cases were of Turkish nationality, while eight were Syrian. Eighteen cases were male, and three were female. Due to the inability to determine the age of the individuals through external examination, no age information could be provided. Analyzing the yearly distribution, there were no severely decomposed bodies reported in 2018 and 2019. However, two cases occurred in 2020, ten in 2021, and nine in 2022. Eleven cases occurred during the summer, four in the spring, five in the autumn, and one in the winter (Table 1). Ten cases were identified as suspicious deaths where the bodies were found at home or in a field. Eight were bodies recovered from water, two were exhumation cases, and one was found hanging (Table 1).
In cases of severely decomposed bodies, investigative authorities frequently request opinions regarding identification, cause and manner of death, and the postmortem interval. Autopsies conducted on decomposed bodies are invariably more challenging compared to standard autopsies. Severe decomposition presents additional complications. Changes caused by decomposition, as well as alterations resulting from the activity of maggots, larvae, and insects, can complicate dissection and alter physical findings [9].
Identification of severely decomposed and skeletonized bodies is highly challenging. However, it can be achieved through DNA comparison using appropriate biological samples. Autopsies performed on decomposed bodies help exclude multiple possibilities, thus aiding in the interpretation of the cause of death.
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Altin I, Yilmaz M, Dundar AS. Forensic identification of severely decomposed bodies. NOFOR. 2024;3(2):37-40.
Corresponding Author: Mesut Yilmaz, İnönü University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Forensic Medicine, Malatya, Türkiye
Email: drmesut44@gmail.com