Case Report
Repeated maternal filicide: Importance of relationship between personality disorders and malingering in criminal responsibility evaluation-a case report from forensic psychiatric perspective in Türkiye
Receiving Date: July 05, 2024
Accept Date: August 06, 2024
Available Online: August 15, 2024
Maternal filicide is the homicide of a child by the mother, it is defined as maternal filicide that multifaceted phenomenon and is often the subject of forensic psychiatric evaluation. A woman 32 years old is on trial for the homicide of her 3 years and 8 months old daughter by throwing her off the balcony. Investigation of her judicial file; 3 years and 5 months old son had also died in 3 years ago, falling from the 6th floor balcony and she had also been investigated in this regard. In her medical history, there is outpatient follow-ups and drug prescriptions with the diagnosis of ‘behavioral disorders’. Psychiatric examination of the person in our department, she was in a simulation effort and was decided in presence of personality disorder rather than mental illness and reported as having full criminal responsibility. It should be kept in mind that malingering may occur as a component of personality disorders and the person should be taken under observation and an opinion should be given with attitudes and behaviours during hospitalisation and repeated examinations.
Keywords: Agression, homicide, filicide, maternal filicide, mental disorders, personality disorder, malingering, criminal responsiblity
‘Filicide’ is an umbrella term which is parent kills his / her own child. When the event occurs in first 24 hour the term ‘neonaticide’, in a first year ‘Infanticide’ used. Filicide behaviour includes non-intentional (such as abandonment or neglect) or intentional act of killing, to fatal ways (such as suffocation, strangulation, and stabbing) overt child homicide. If the perpetrator is father; ‘paternal filicide’ and mother; ‘maternal filicide’ is called [1-5].
32 years-old- female is on trial for the murder of her 3 years old boy and 8 months old daughter by throwing them off the balcony and the court sent to our department for the evaluation of criminal responsibility in accordance with Article 32 (*Turkish Penal Code, Article 32 (1) A person lacking ability to perceive the legal meaning and consequences of the offense, or having considerably lost the capacity to control his/her actions due to insanity may not be subject to any punishment. However, security precautions are imposed for such individuals (2). Even if not to such an extent stated in the first subsection, a person lacking ability to control or direct his/her actions in respect of offense committed by him/her is sentenced to twenty five years imprisonment instead of heavy life imprisonment and to twenty years imprisonment instead of life imprisonment) of the Turkish Penal Code (The Turkish Penal Code (TPC, Law No. 5237) has been enacted in 2004 and is in force since 2005) [15,16].
The case presented leads us to suggest that it is necessary to consider a more complex series of vulnerability factors, characteristics of the couples’ relationships, and feared or imminent loss of the relationship [17]. These factors should be explored in addition to the usually discussed issues of relationship of the parents and child [18]. These factors may interact to become a toxic mix resulting in the fatal outcomes. Understanding of cases of maternal filicide, especially involving battering, retaliating or mentally ill women [19]. The issue of feared or actual loss of the spouse relationship has not been considered as a specific factor before [20]. The original ‘Medea complex’ formulation of Stern [21] related maternal violence to displaced anger from the husband, a theme continued in the ‘retaliating mothers’ as a revenge homicide subgroup in the later typologies of Resnick and d’Orban. The issue of anger towards to husband is obvious in this case [22].
The crime of maternal filicide involves a significant tragedy for families and communities, especially when this crime becomes recurrent, leading to psychological trauma that can reach irreparable dimensions. Therefore, it is crucial for mothers who commit filicide to be placed under close monitoring and undergo more frequent psychiatric follow-ups. Additionally, considering the high association of revenge-type maternal filicide cases with personality disorders, ensuring the early diagnosis and treatment of these personality disorders can prevent the recurrence of the crime. However, it is considered important to conduct psychometric tests (MMPI-Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-etc.) and forensic psychiatric examinations to assess the criminal responsibility of individuals involved in this crime, given their manipulation skills and simulation efforts, which are components of personality disorders. It is even recommended to use tests such as M-FAST (The Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test) [29], RMT (Rey 15-Item Memory Test) [30-32] and WMT (Word Memory Test) [33] etc. that measure this propensity.
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Dogan M, Ozcanli T, Tasdemir I, Karamustafalioglu KO. Repeated maternal filicide: Importance of relationship between personality disorders and malingering in criminal responsibility evaluation-a case report from forensic psychiatric perspective in Türkiye. NOFOR. 2024;3(2):41-4.
Corresponding Author: Mehmet Dogan, Republic of Türkiye, Ministry of Justice, Council of Forensic Medicine, İstanbul, Türkiye